Rubbish Bin Hire - The Value in Upgrades

Man standing in front of a bin showcasing the real size of it.

Bin hire upgrades are a smart choice for the customer. When you book a bin, you make a choice based on three key factors – price, size and time of hire. Price is set by the company you hire the bin from. We know the price is important to you so we maintain our prices by trying to be more efficient. Time requires a degree of flexibility from Auckland Wide Cut Price Bins. We take the view that everyone is different. Some will need the bin longer than others and if we can we will allow a longer hire. Size requires the customer to look at our array of bin hire pictures and then decide which size best fits the rubbish to be removed. Even for an expert this can be difficult and if you underestimate you are left with surplus rubbish and you might have to hire another bin. To help you we provide free upgrades. This means that we automatically provide you with the next largest size just in case you have underestimated. For example, if you hire a 6 metre bin you will get a 9 metre bin and if you end up using the extra space it will cost you an extra $45. If you didn’t have that extra space, you may have had to hire an additional 3 metre bin that would have cost you $185.


Bin Hire, Health and Safety, and a Hot Summer
