• 3 to 4 days. This is inclusive of pickup and delivery.

  • We deliver to most areas in Auckland. If you are concerned, please ring the office to confirm that we will deliver to your area. In some cases, we charge truck time to serve out of area bins. Central Auckland Auckland CBD, Avondale, Blockhouse Bay, Eden Terrace, Epson, Freemans Bay, Grafton, Grey Lynn, Herne Bay, Hillsborough, Kingsland, Lynfield, Mt Albert, Mt Eden, Mt Roskill, Newmarket, One Tree Hill, Onehunga, Parnell, Penrose, Ponsonby, Pt Chevalier, Royal Oak, Sandringham, Waterview, Western Springs. East Auckland Cockle Bay, Dannemora, Ellerslie, Farm Cove, Glendowie, Half Moon Bay, Highland Park, Howick, Kohimarama, Meadowbank, Mission Bay, Orakei, Pt England, Remuera, St Heliers, St Johns. South Auckland Clendon, Clover Park, East Tamaki, Favona, Flat Bush, Glen Innes, Mangere, Manukau, Manurewa, Mt Wellington, Otahuhu, Otara, Pakuranga, Panmure, Papakura, Papatoetoe. West Auckland Glen Eden, Glendene, Green Bay, Henderson, Herald Island, Hobsonville, Huapai, Kelston, Kumeu, Massey, Muriwai, New Lynn, Oratia, Ranui, Royal Heights, Swanson, Te Atatu, Titirangi, Whenuapai. North Shore Albany, Arch Hill, Bayswater, Beach Haven, Belmont, Birkdale, Birkenhead, Browns Bay, Campbell Bay, Caster Bay, Chatswood, Coatesville, Dairy Flat, Devonport, Forest Hill, Glenfield, Greenhithe, Hillcrest, Long Bay, Mairangi Bay, Milford, Murrays Bay, Northcote, Northcross, Riverhead, Rothesay Bay, Silverdale, Stanley Point, Sunnynook, Takapuna, Torbay, Unsworth Heights, Whangaparaoa.

  • Because of the traffic in Auckland city, we have to deliver bins in a cycle that best fits the bins going out that day. We cannot tell you the exact time your bin will arrive. You bin will arrive anytime on the first day of delivery and will be collected at anytime on the day of collection.

    If you need the bin early in the morning, we suggest you book the bin for the day prior. This will guarantee you have it early in the morning, the day you need it!

  • In general rubbish bins, you cannot place concrete, brick, clay, soil, compost, or tiles. For these items, order a hard fill bin from us!

    No bins take car engines, paint, oil, flammables, fiber light containing asbestos, or tires. If these are found in your bin, it will result in an additional charge to you.

  • A general rubbish bin can contain general or household rubbish.

    A hard fill bin is limited to concrete, clay, brick, soil, or tiles. No general rubbish is allowed to be placed in a hard fill bin.

    In addition, please be aware that every bin size has its own individual weight limit that must be considered.

    Check out our bins on the Bins & Prices tab.

  • Please check out our Book a Bin Online tab to see the weight limits of each bin.

  • If you don’t see your invoice, please check your junk mail folder. Quite often, invoices won’t be sent until the day of delivery.

  • We do not currently accept credit cards but are looking into this. We will accept bank transfer, cash on delivery, and check.

  • Each bin has a weight limit that was discussed and accepted upon ordering the bin. When we took your bin to the tip, they determined your bin weight exceeded this limit. We are charged a fee based on the extra weight by the tip, therefore this fee is added to your invoice.