A hand holding dirt a symbol of enviormental change

Harvey and Irma have changed the World. Global warming attitudes will shift and become more demanding. Warming naysayers will not be tolerated so lightly and their views harshly criticized. The World has changed – the move to electrification will be rapidly implemented. I read recently that electric cars will be on a price parity with gasoline cars perhaps as early as 2022, likely by 2025 and definitely by 2030. This is significant because if electricity is generated from green sources there are going to be major reductions in greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide. Solar panels, wind farms, hydro and perhaps nuclear power will be the world’s future. Don’t blink – electrification is about to take over. Energy accumulation will be everywhere with battery storage linked to your home, your car and your body. Bin hire takes waste from the consumer or producer, removes the recyclables that have value and the rest ends up in landfills. Cut Price Bins uses Envirowaste who have since 1989 been turning landfill gases into electricity at their Rosedale and Greenmount sites. The process involves collecting the gas through piping and then the burning it in a gas engine to produce electricity. As much as 9 megawatts has been produced from these sites which is enough to power 7000 homes. Both these landfills have been closed for over 10 years but still produce about a megawatt of power for the national grid. You might have read that Greenmount has been returned to the Council and its 54 hectares will be returned to a public park. Cut Price Bins waste now ends up at Hampton Downs where Envirowaste again collects this landfill gas to burn in a state of the art gas burner to generate 7 megawatts of power. That’s enough power for over 5000 homes. That’s a serious contribution to the grid and a very responsible use of this waste.


Rubbish Bin Hire - The Value in Upgrades


Spring into action and hire a bin.