Mini skips for Spring Fever

image of mini skips

Mini skips are proving very popular in Auckland especially now that the first hints of spring have arrived. Namely, the daffodils are flowering and the days are getting longer and warmer, daffodils especially the small white varieties have the most intoxicating scent, these flowers are definitely worth getting up and personal with, and putting your nose in one. If you have early spring fever than one of these small to medium mini skips might be just the ticket. Clean the garage, clean the spare room, prune the trees or clean the yard. I don’t get spring fever but unfortunately for me, the wife does so I will be getting a 3m mini skip in to prune the toons.

image of chinese toon trees

Chinese toons are those beautiful trees that have pink foliage at Christmas but are just stalked in Winter. Time to cut them right back as they are such rapid growers. Next month the early blossoms will be out, a real harbinger of spring when nature renews itself and we all get out and about a bit more.


Mini skips get the job done


Waterview tunnel goes live