Covid19 - The times they are changing

Image of a woman buying groceries in the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Corona Virus was like a shudder in the earth’s crust, causing significant disruption to the world economy and has affected the psyche of the majority of people.

Two months of not working have caused the whole economy to wallow in stormy seas and may take up to a couple of years to get back on an even keel. Cometh the hour cometh the woman. In NZ, we have been fortunate to have Jacinda, whose intelligence is equally balanced with common sense and compassion. She acted quickly and
decisively and we now have a clean bill of health.

People are returning to work in cafes, plant stores, DIY stores, and sporting arenas. Like spring bulbs, we are all coming back to life again. I do feel that we all have changed a little. Hopefully, we won’t take things for granted and be more appreciative of what we do have.

Cut Price Bins played by the lockdown rules while the lockdown was on. We were like the majority of kiwis who were annoyed by those who flouted the rules as we were all in this together.

Doing the right thing is important to us. Generally, in the bin hire business, it’s the simple things like making sure your load is correctly tied down, and your driving is at a professional level. In my personal view, it’s to make sure that your waste is treated in a way that is best for the planet.

From my family to yours from my bin business to you, I hope that the rest of 2020 will be sailing into calmer seas for all of us.


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