Reuse Reduce and Recycle with Skip Hire

Illustration of "REUSE REDUCE RECYCLE"

Waste removal is not only about removing waste from your property but also the safe transport, disposal and use of that waste.  We should also consider what carbon footprint it creates.When I was a child in the 70’s I remember the teachers telling us about the effects of increasing levels of CO2 and other greenhouse gases on the atmosphere. They told us it was going to get hotter and wetter.  I tend to believe things when in the fullness of time they come true. Take a look at the weather around the world and you have to conclude that it is getting hotter and wetter.Hope is coming.  Green energy such as solar panels and wind farms is being rapidly implemented.  Electric cars are set to overtake internal combustion engines in the next 10 to 20 years.We have a love of plastic.  In a land where Pinus radiata grows the fastest in the world we are using plastic check-out bags, plastic cups, plastic drink bottles and plastic straws en mass. To put it bluntly, we have not been that bright although the wake-up call has sounded.We have to move towards wood products such as paper and cardboard.  These fit the criteria of being both biodegradable and sustainable. My personal belief is that we should not recycle wood but let it biodegrade.  If you reuse wood you lessen demand. If you Increase demand you will increase supply. For every piece of wood consumed a new tree should be planted as a renewable resource and a carbon sink to remove CO2 from the atmosphere.  I also have concerns about the health safety of chipping.  For example is the glue in chipped plywood safe?We take your rubbish to the dump.  Actually, we don’t, we take it to a managed disposal site. Semantics you say, well actually no.  Let me explain the distinction - a managed site requires that all leachate is processed on site and returned as water.  A managed site also requires that gas generated by the anaerobic decomposition of the waste must be captured. It is collected by reduced pressure in hoses through the landfill and then dried and fed into a gas turbine.  This will then generate electricity. Lots of electricity. The managed disposal sites in the Auckland area generate over 10 megawatts of power. That’s a lot of power going into the grid to fuel the coming wave of electric cars.When we take your waste away in our skips we are part of the chain that turns waste into energy by a natural process that’s environmentally sound and sustainable.


The dawn of electric cars


Bin Hire from a proud Aucklander